Wednesday 2 October 2013

Websites helping me to get to grips with some terminology

This site is mainly aimed towards the computer/technology side of simulation but it defines/explains some of the key words and ideas by Baudrillard. It is more of secondary as it refers to some other theorists etc. I also had to look up some of the references as it a Canadian sight. I found this idea quite interesting although not directly relating to my project.


Computer pioneer Alan Kay specifically associates the ability of computers to enhance education with simulations. In making this point, he criticizes most contemporary education by referring to physicist Murray Gell-Man’s remark that education in the 20th C. is like being taken to the world’s greatest restaurant and being fed the menu. "He meant that representations of ideas have replaced the ideas themselves; students are taught superficially about great discoveries instead of being helped to learn deeply for themselves" (148).
Kay claims that both adults and children "learn best when they can test their ideas through simulation." However, he warns that we must be aware of the limitations of the media we use to "amplify yearnings" for knowledge. He uses the example of photographs of great paintings in the study of art, in itself a resort to hyper-reality: "Little protest has been made over replacing high-resolution photographs of great works of art (which themselves do not capture the real thing) with lower-resolution videodisc images (which distort light and space even further). The result is that recognition, not reverie, is the main goal in life and also in school" (151).
This one is about Simulation and Simulacra. 
This site is .edu which I have found to be the highest american educational domain. Similar to It is from a university site. 

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