Wednesday 25 September 2013

Cabana Pool Bar

I found this video when looking at interior spaces designed by Toronto based firm, Munge Leung. The video shows scenes of people enjoying the new pool bar designed by Munge Leung. It came to my attention as although it is showing the work of the interior design company, the video is primarily showing a lifestyle to be associated with the pool bar and it's brand. The aesthetics of the bar itself are  in the background, I suppose letting the lifestyle do the talking. The video demonstrates the point of Baudrillard's from my last post that objects are no longer about function; they have social meaning. The many signs in this video all create a network of signs to be associated with the pool bar. Here are some thoughts:

  • The main focus in the video is attractive women (mainly in their bikinis), then men in the film appear to be just enjoying the women. Bikini=glamour, Nudity here=sex. If I go to this bar will I be sexy? Or do I have to be "sexy" to go to this bar? Possibly both.
  • In this situation the shisha is portrayed as being attractive, this is something we are seeing less and less of as smoking has more of a stigma attached today. 
  • The song "sunny" gives off connotations of happiness we associate with the sun. This mix also has a very relaxed feel about it, overall it implies the bar is a relaxed, carefree and happy place to be.
  • The contemporary/clean feel given off buy the abundance of white clothing.
  • Luxury: Presented Food, Branded Spirits, Sunglasses (celebrity vibe?)

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